Quantum annealing

The process called quantum annealing is a hot topic! We’ve posted a preprint which extents recent ideas from an Innsbruck team, for realising such a technology in a powerfully flexible form. The word ‘annealing’ usually refers to a process where a metal is heated and slowly cooled (see image). But in quantum annealing a system is slowly Read more…

Ultimate network?

  In a paper to appear in PRX, Naomi and Simon present detailed calculations simulating a quantum computer built from many small units — each unit being similar in complexity to the devices that can already be created in the lab. They find than an architecture involving connecting up many Read more…

More Bird Brains

The debate continues about quantum effects in the natural ‘compass sense’ that some birds have. The most well-studied species is the European Robin, shown in this picture: We’ve just published a Comment in PRL, with our counter arguments to some of the claims in a recent Letter there. Read it Read more…