QuESTlink is a wonderful and extremely useful tool when it comes to testing, understanding or developing quantum algorithms. It is a Mathematica interface that lets its users to take full advantage of the highly efficient QuEST code without resorting to writing low-level C code: see our blogpost here.

We have collected a number of Mathematica notebooks that demonstrate a variety of quantum algorithms; we can interactively simulate these circuits with the use of QuESTlink. Our collection of demo notebooks can be found here, and, for example, includes the following algorithms:

  • quantum addition circuit (notebook, pdf): contains functions that create an addition circuit performing A, B — > A+B, B. The method is that of Draper’s from [arXiv:0008033] and it uses the Quantum Fourier Transform
  • variational quantum eigensolving (notebook, pdf): a demonstration of calculating the experimental quantities used in variational algorithms, and simulating imaginary time minimisation.
  • derangement circuits (notebook, pdf): simulating the Error Suppression by Derangements [arXiv:2011.05942] and Virtual Distillation [arXiv:2011.07064] error mitigation techniques by constructing SWAP circuits and applying them to copies of noisy quantum states

Please also visit our webpage later, we plan to further expand the library! 

Bálint Koczor

Bálint Koczor

Bálint was a postdoc involved in the AQTION EU Flagship project between 2019-2021. Since 2021 he holds a Glasstone Research Fellowship.